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Setting Info About Your Atheme Instance

Server Info#

The serverinfo{} block defines how Atheme Services will appear on your IRC network. This configuration segment also will define how your Atheme instance will handle specific components of user registration.

All configuration options will be within the serverinfo{} block.

A fully configured serverinfo{} block may look like:

serverinfo {    name = "services.example.tld";    desc = "Atheme IRC Services";    netname = "example irc network";    numeric = "00A";    recontime = 10;    hidehostsuffix = "users.example";    adminname = "example admin";    adminemail = "admin@example.tld";    registeremail = "noreply@example.tld";    #hidden;    mta = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";    loglevel = { error; info; admin; network; wallops; };    maxlogins = 5;    maxusers = 5;    mdlimit = 30;    emaillimit = 10;    emailtime = 300;    auth = none;    casemapping = rfc1459;};


The name option defines the server name Atheme Services will use on your IRC network. This is the name you will need to use in your IRCd's link blocks -- when you're ready, visit the uplink configuration page for more information on link blocks.

The name value must be unique on your IRC network and must contain at least one dot, but it does not have to be a valid DNS name.

Example: name = "";


The desc option defines the server comment, or server name, Atheme will send to the IRC network. This value may be set to any string you prefer, and will generally appear when a user performs a /whois on one of the Atheme bots (e.g. NickServ).

Example: desc = "Atheme IRC Services";


The netname option defines the name of your network to Atheme. Although this value is not required to be the same as your IRCd's netname-equivalent value, it is recommended to use the same name for user consistency.

This value is displayed when a users runs /admin on your Atheme Services server.

Example: netname = "misconfigured network";


Some IRCd protocols (Such as Charybdis, ircd-ratbox, P10, IRCNet, etc.) require a server id, also known as a numeric. Please consult your IRCd's documentation or review our general summary on the uplink configuration page for more information on if your server requires a numeric.

When required, the numeric option defines what server id to send to your uplink IRCd. Note: The numeric must follow your IRCd's formatting and must be unique to this server, no two servers can share the same numeric.

Example: numeric = "00A";


The recontime value specifies the time, in seconds, to wait before reconnecting to the uplink server if Atheme is disconnected.

Example: recontime = 10;


On P10-based IRCds (Asuka, Snircd, Nefarious), user mode +x gives <account>.<hidehostsuffix>. If using +x on any of these IRCds, Atheme's hidehostsuffix value must agree with F:HIDDEN_HOST.

Example: hidehostsuffix = "users.misconfigured";


The adminname option displays the name of the person running your Atheme instance when a user runs /admin against your Atheme Services instance. This field is freeform and may be filled however you prefer.

Example: adminname = "misconfigured admin";


The adminemail option displays an email address for the person running this service. This field is also freeform and may contain an email, a web URL, or any other text you would prefer.

Example: adminemail = "misconfigured@admin.tld";


The registeremail option defines the email address any outgoing emails will originate from; this is used if email authentication is required for account registration, for emailed password resets, and so forth. If this value is not set, it will default to noreply.$adminemail. This value should formatted as a valid email address, although an actual account/inbox for this address may not be required.

Example: registeremail = "noreply@admin.tld";


If the hidden value is enabled, Atheme will indicate to the uplink IRCd that the Atheme server should not be included in /links output. This feature is only supported on the following IRCds: charybdis, ircd-seven, ratbox.

This option has no value, it is either enabled by being uncommented or disabled by being commented.

Example (enabled): hidden;


The mta option defines the full path to your mail transfer agent. This is the application used for email authorizations and password retrieval. If this value is commented out, sending email will be disabled.

Warning: Sending email can disclose the IP address of your services instance unless you take additional precautions (not discussed here further).

Example: mta = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";


This value takes a selection of the following keywords to define the default categories of logging information to record in Atheme's master logfile, usually located in var/atheme.log. You may use any combination of the following keywords.

Your loglevel value may be formatted as follows:

loglevel = { keyword; another; };

Unlike most freeform values, such as the admin* options, you will not need quotation marks around the keywords within the loglevel component.

KeywordInformation Provided
Meta-KeywordsThese keywords provide various bundled categories
debugmeta-keyword for all possible categories
allalternative name for debug
tracemeta-keyword for a little bit of info
misclike trace, but with some more miscellaneous info
noticemeta-keyword for notice-like information
Individual KeywordsThese keywords provide specific information
errorcritical errors
infomiscellaneous log notices
verboseA bit more verbose than info, not quite as spammy as debug
commandsall command use
adminadministrative command use
registeraccount and channel registrations
setchanges of account or channel settings
requestuser requests (currently only vhosts)
networklog notices related to network status
rawdatalog raw data sent and received by services
wallopsnot yet used

Example: loglevel = { error; info; admin; network; wallops; };


The maxlogins option specifies the maximum number of sessions allowed to log into a singular account. Once a user has reached this number of simultaneous logins, they will not be able to login on additional clients until a current session is logged out.

Example: maxlogins = 5;


The maxusers option defines the maximum amount of accounts which can be registered to a single email address. Setting this option to 0 will disable this check, and allow an uncapped amount of registrations per email.

Example: maxusers = 5;


This value defines how many metadata entries may be added to an object, such as a channel or a user account.

This value defaults to 30 and generally does not need adjusted, but may be increased or decreased as you see fit. Note: Increasing this value excessively may cause slowness in situations where metadata is abused.

Example: mdlimit = 30;

emaillimit, emailtime#

These two values are paired together as their values are combined to ensure proper network maintanence. emaillimit defines the maximum amount of emails to be sent in emailtime time (in seconds). If this is exceeded, up to one wallop per minute will be sent to alert network operators.


emaillimit = 10;emailtime = 300;


The auth value defines what type of user registration authorization you want for your network.

  • If email, Atheme will send a confirmation email to the address to ensure it's valid. If registration is not completed within one day, the username will expire.
  • If none, no message will be sent and the username will be fully registered.

Valid options for this value are: email, none.

Example: auth = none;


This value specifies which casemapping to use.

  • The majority of IRCds will use the rfc1459 casemapping.
  • Bahamut, Unreal and other Dalnet-style IRCds will use ascii casemapping.

Valid options for this value are: rfc1459, ascii.

Example: casemapping = rfc1459;