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Connecting to Your IRCd

A vital component of your Atheme configuration is, obviously, the settings needed to connect Atheme Services to your IRCd. This is comprised of choosing the correct protocol module for your IRCd and selecting any needed mixins, depending on how your IRC server is configured. Some servers may have additional requirements within the general component of Atheme's configuration. If your IRCd does require additional settings, it will be noted below.

Uplink Block#

The uplink{} block defines connections to your IRC server. Multiple uplink{} blocks may be defined, but Atheme will only connect to one at a time. Atheme does not currently support linking to the IRCd over SSL; to securely link Atheme to your IRC server, please connect Atheme to an IRCd ran locally (on the same server) and connect that IRC server to your network over SSL.

The uplink{} block itself takes one argument when defining the block, which is the name of the server it is connecting to. This should be the same as whatever you have named your IRC server -- e.g., if your server is named server1.example.tld in your IRCd's config, your Atheme connect block should be formatted like: uplink "server1.example.tld" {}.

A completed uplink{} block would look like:

uplink "irc.example.tld" {  host = "";  send_password = "athemepassword";  receive_password = "ircdpassword";  port = 6667;};


The host field defines what address Atheme should connect to. This may be either an IP address, either IPv4 or IPv6, or it may be a DNS resolvable hostname. This value does not have to be the same as your IRCd's server name.


  • IPv4: host = ";"
  • IPv6: host = "::1";
  • DNS: host = "irc.example.tld";


This value defines the source IP address to connect from. If you are running Atheme from a machine with multiple IP addresses and are connecting to a remote server, you may need to define this value.

The vhost field will accept either an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Example: vhost = "";


Atheme supports two options for setting the link password for connecting with your IRCd.

Different Send and Receive Passwords#

If the password being sent to Atheme and the password Atheme should send are different, this may be defined via the send_password option, which specifies the password Atheme should sent, and the receive_password option, which specifies the password Atheme should expect to receive from the upstream IRCd.


send_password = "mypassword";receive_password = "theirpassword";

The Same Password#

If both passwords are the same, you can simplify your uplink{} block by using the password option instead of two separate options.

Example: password = "ourpassword";

Protocol Modules#

Different IRC servers use different server-to-server protocols. Below is a listing of the IRCds directly supported by Atheme; if your IRCd is not in this list and does not use an existing protocol, please file a bug report on the Atheme GitHub.

An example of a completed protocol section for InspIRCd would be as follows:

loadmodule "modules/protocol/inspircd";

If additionally, you wished to load InspIRCd and disable half-op support, you could use the following:

loadmodule "modules/protocol/inspircd";loadmodule "modules/protocol/mixin_nohalfops";

For your configuration file, you will need to select one protocol module, the following is a list of our primarily supported platforms:

  • modules/protocol/bahamut: Bahamut is a UNIX-based IRCd built by DALnet. This module is targeted to the 2.1.x line, the current release, but is backwards compatible through 1.8.x.
  • modules/protocol/charybdis: Charybdis is an ircd-ratbox variant built for better services support. This module supports both the 3.x and 4 lines.
  • modules/protocol/chatircd1.1: ChatIRCd is a fork of Charybdis built by ChatLounge. This module supports the 1.1.x lines.
  • modules/protocol/inspircd: InspIRCd is a modular IRCd available for Linux, BSD, Windows and macOS systems. This module supports both the 2.x and 3.x lines.
  • modules/protocol/ratbox: ircd-ratbox is a traditional IRCd, and the primary IRCd used on EFNet. This module supports the 3.x line.
  • modules/protocol/ircnet: ircd 2.11 is the original IRCd and the primary IRCd used on IRCNet. This module supports the 2.11.x line.
  • modules/protocol/ircd-seven: ircd-seven is a fork of Charybdis, built for the freenode IRC network. This module supports the 1.x line.
  • modules/protocol/nefarious: Nefarious is a fork of IRCu by the AfterNet IRC network. Supported versions of this IRCd is currently in review.
  • modules/protocol/ngircd: ngIRCd is a lightweight IRCd. This module is experimental and has had limited in-production testing. This module supports the 20.x line.
  • modules/protocol/unreal4: UnrealIRCd is a configurable and popular IRCd. This module support the 4.x line.

Legacy Protocol Modules#

Atheme additionally provides legacy support for a number of older IRC daemons which still see production use. Although these IRC daemons are not recommended, these modules are included in the base Atheme distribution and are fully supported by Atheme Services.

  • modules/protocol/asuka: Asuka is an ircu-based IRCd formerly used by QuakeNet, although it has been replaced by snircd. This module supports versions 1.2.1 and later.
  • modules/protocol/dreamforge: DreamForge is an IRCd formerly used by DALnet, although it has been replaced by Bahamut. This module supports versions 4.6.7 and later.
  • modules/protocol/unreal: UnrealIRCd's 3.2.x line is incompatible withe the unreal4 protocol module. This module supports the 3.2.x line, although production networks are recommended to migrate to the currently supported 4.x line.

Protocol Mixins#

These mixins allow you to disable specific feature support if you do not have/want features which your IRCd normally has available. These modules only adjust feature support within Atheme; you will need to review your IRCd's configuration to disable them on the server side as well.

Note: If you do not know what these mean, you most likely do not want to enable these modules.

  • modules/protocol/mixin_nohalfops: Disable half-op status mode
  • modules/protocol/mixin_noprotect: Disable protected (Also known as admin) status mode
  • modules/protocol/mixin_noowner: Disable owner status mode
  • modules/protocol/mixin_noholdnick: Specify that NickServ/GHOST and NickServ/RELEASE should use enforcer clients instead of the IRCd-specific nickname reservation functions.

Example IRCd Configurations#



The majority of Charybdis' configuration for Atheme is the same as a standard server link. Charybdis does not require any specific additional modules to be loaded, however some networks may find value in some Charybdis modules which add more thorough integration with Services, such as:

  • extensions/extb_account which provides the $a extban, allowing for bans/exempts/invite exceptions, etc. based on account name) or
  • extensions/no_kill_services which prevents operators from /killing Services. (Atheme will introduce its clients back immediately, but this module may cut down on spam for networks with rather bored operators)

For full integration with Atheme, you will want to ensure:

  • connect:hub_mask is set to "*". This allows Atheme to jupe any servers which need temporarily removed from the network.
  • service:name is set to the name of your Atheme instance. Services are given special permissions above what standard IRC servers can do, but only the server listed within Charybdis' service block may qualify as a Services server to the IRCd.
  • general:sasl_service is set to the name of your Atheme instance's SaslServ. This field defaults to "SaslServ", but you will need to ensure it is updated if you choose to rename your Service.
connect "services.example.tld" {  host = "";  send_password = "ircdpassword";  accept_password = "servicespassword";  port = 6667;  hub_mask = "*";  class = "server";  flags = topicburst;};
service {  name = "services.example.tld";};
cluster {  name = "*";  flags = kline, tkline, unkline, xline, txline, unxline, resv, tresv, unresv;};
general {  ...  sasl_service = "SaslServ";}


See Charybdis


By default, InspIRCd separates its configuration files into a number of smaller, more specific component files. This example corresponds to each of the default provided InspIRCd configuration files.


InspIRCd separates ports into client and server ports, due to this you must ensure you have a plaintext port available and designated for servers if you wish to connect Atheme to your InspIRCd instance.

You may want to personalize InspIRCd's atheme.conf.example file, which contains a number of configurations for InspIRCd's alias module (See modules.conf below) to allow users slightly terser command options for connecting with Services.

<bind address="" port="7000,7001" type="servers">...<include file="examples/services/atheme.conf.example">


A number of modules are available to enhance your experience when using Atheme Services with InspIRCd.

  • The spanningtree module implements server-to-server linking. This module is required for Atheme, or any server, to connect to your InspIRCd instance.
  • The alias module allows for command aliases (such as /NS, which traditionally is a shortcut for /msg NickServ ...)
  • The chghost module allows for hostname changes. This is required if you wish to use NickServ/VHOST or any HostServ functionality.
  • The mlock module allows for IRCd-side enforcement of ChanServ/SET/MLOCK. Although without this module loaded, ChanServ will always manually reset modes when needed, server-side MLOCK allows for less potential channel spam and a more consistently enforced mode setting.
  • The sasl module is required for SASL authentication support. You will also need to ensure the sasl block is defined with the target= component set to the name of your Atheme Services instance.
  • The servprotect module adds functionality which prevents your Services bots from being kicked from channels, killed, etc. Although Atheme has internal checks to automatically rejoin channels or reconnect clients in these situations, this functionality can help reduce spam from bored channel or network operators.
  • The services_account module adds a number of services related functionality:
    * User modes +R (), +M () and +r ().* R: extban (Format: `+b R:$username`) for matching based on account 
    * U: extban (Format: `+b U:n!u@a`) for matching _only_ unauthenticated
  • The topiclock module implements IRCd-side topic locking, which provides similar benefits as the mlock module.
<module name="spanningtree"><module name="alias"><module name="chghost"><module name="mlock"><module name="sasl"><sasl target="services.example.tld"><module name="servprotect"> <module name="services_account"><module name="topiclock">


Configuring InspIRCd to support Atheme is simply a <link> block configured to accept the name and password of your Atheme instance, and a <uline> block set to your Atheme instance's server name.

<link name="services.example.tld"      ipaddr="localhost"      port="7000"      allowmask=""      sendpass="ircdpassword"      recvpass="servicespassword">
<uline server="services.example.tld" silent="yes">