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Service Usage#


  • ACT -- Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command.
  • ASSIGN -- Assigns a bot to a channel.
  • BOTLIST -- Lists available bots.
  • HELP -- Displays contextual help information.
  • INFO -- Allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot.
  • SAY -- Makes the bot say the given text on the given channel.
  • SET -- Configures bot options.
  • UNASSIGN -- Unassigns a bot from a channel.

Services Operator Commands

  • BOT -- Maintains network bot list.
  • SET PRIVATE -- Prevent a bot from being assigned by non IRC operators.


Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command on the given channel using the given text.

Syntax: ACT <chan> <text>

Example: /msg BotServ ACT #help yawns!


Assigns a bot pointed out by nick to the channel chan. You can then configure the bot for the channel so it fits your needs.

Syntax: ASSIGN <chan> <nick>

Example: /msg BotServ ASSIGN #help Security


Lists all available bots on this network.


Example: /msg BotServ BOTLIST


HELP displays help information on all commands in BotServ.

Syntax: HELP <command> [parameters]


INFO allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot.

Syntax: INFO <#channel|botnick>


Makes the bot say the given text on the given channel.

Syntax: SAY <chan> <text>

Example: /msg BotServ SAY #help Welcome to #help!



This option marks a channel as unassignable. If a bot is already assigned to the channel, it is unassigned automatically when you enable the option.

Syntax: SET <#channel> NOBOT {ON|OFF}

Example: /msg BotServ SET #help NOBOT ON


Enables or disables fantasy mode on a channel. When it is enabled, users will be able to use all chanserv commands like !op, !deop, !voice, !devoice, !kick, !kb, !unban, !akick, !info on a channel.

Syntax: SET <#channel> FANTASY {ON|OFF}

Example: /msg BotServ SET #help FANTASY ON


This option when turned on will prefix any BotServ SAY or ACTION command messages with the caller's nickname.

Syntax: SET <channel> SAYCALLER {ON|OFF}


    /msg BotServ SET #ChatZone SAYCALLER ON    /msg BotServ SET #ChatZone SAYCALLER OFF


Unassigns a bot from a channel. When you use this command, the bot won't join the channel anymore. However, bot configuration for the channel is kept, so you will always be able to reassign a bot later without having to reconfigure it entirely.

Syntax: UNASSIGN <chan>

Example: /msg BotServ UNASSIGN #help

Services Operator Commands#


This command is limited to services operators with the privilege: PRIV_USER_ADMIN

Allows opers to create, modify, and delete bots that users will be able to use on their own channels.

BOT ADD adds a bot with the given nickname, username, hostname and realname. Since no integrity checks are done for these settings, be careful.

BOT CHANGE allows you to change nickname, username, hostname or realname of a bot without actually deleting it (and all the data associated with it).

BOT DEL removes the given bot from the bot list.

Note: you cannot create a bot that has a nick that is currently registered. If an unregistered user is currently using the nick, they will be killed.


BOT ADD <nick> <user> <host> <real>`BOT CHANGE <oldnick> <newnick> [<user> [<host> [<real>]]]`BOT DEL <nick>


    /msg BotServ BOT ADD Security Security Security    /msg BotServ BOT CHANGE Security NetBot NetBot Services.Example.Net MyNet    /msg BotServ BOT DEL Security


Lorum ipsum.

This command is limited to services operators with the privilege: PRIV_CHAN_ADMIN

Syntax: SET <botnick> PRIVATE {ON|OFF}

Example: /msg BotServ SET Security PRIVATE ON