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Service Usage#


  • ACCESS -- Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command.
  • ACTIVATE -- Stuff.

Channel Status Commands#

These commands perform status mode changes on a channel.

If you perform an operation on another user, they will be notified that you did it.

If the last parameter is omitted the action is performed on the person requesting the command.


VOICE|DEVOICE <#channel> [nickname]HALFOP|DEHALFOP <#channel> [nickname]OP|DEOP <#channel> [nickname]PROTECT|DEPROTECT <#channel> [nickname]OWNER|DEOWNER <#channel> [nickname]


/msg ChanServ OP #foo bar/msg ChanServ DEVOICE #foo


Something roles.


ACCESS ADD will assign the given user to the given channel role.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> ADD <user> <role>

Example: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #atheme ADD stitch helpers


ACCESS DEL will remove all channel access from a given user.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> DEL <user>

Example: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #atheme DEL stitch


ACCESS INFO displays what level of access a given user has in a given channel. It will display role, long-form flags and short-form flags along with the last date the user's access was modified.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> INFO <user>

Example: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #atheme INFO nenolod


ACCESS LIST lists all users with channel access and their roles in the channel. It uses fuzzy matching so if a user does not exactly match any role, they will be listed as the closest role they match.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> LIST

Example: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #atheme LIST


ACCESS SET will change the given user's role to the given channel role.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> SET <user> <role>

Example: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #atheme SET stitch lowlevel-staff


ACTIVATE allows you to accept a channel's registration request. (For networks that moderate Channel Registration requests)

Syntax: ACTIVATE <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ ACTIVATE #FunChat



This command can only be used by users with the +r flag.

The AKICK command allows you to maintain channel ban lists. Users on the AKICK list will be automatically kickbanned when they join the channel, removing any matching ban exceptions first. Users with the +r flag are exempt.

Syntax: AKICK <#channel> ADD <nickname|hostmask> [!P|!T <minutes>] [reason]

You may also specify a hostmask (nick!user@host) for the AKICK list.

The reason is used when kicking and is visible in AKICK LIST. If the reason contains a '|' character, everything after it does not appear in kick reasons but does appear in AKICK LIST.

If the !P token is specified, the AKICK will never expire (permanent). If the !T token is specified, expire time must follow, in minutes, hours ("h"), days ("d") or weeks ("w").

Syntax: AKICK <#channel> DEL <nickname|hostmask>

This will remove an entry from the AKICK list. Removing an entry will remove any matching channel bans unless the channel is set NOSYNC.

Syntax: AKICK <#channel> LIST

This will list all entries in the AKICK list, including the reason and time left until expiration.


/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo ADD bar you are annoying | private op info/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo ADD *!* !T 5d/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo DEL bar/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo LIST


The BAN command allows you to ban a user or hostmask from a channel.

Syntax: BAN <#channel> <nickname|hostmask>


/msg ChanServ BAN #chat carnell/msg ChanServ BAN #chat *!*@*


The BANSEARCH command searches for bans, quiets, and channel modes affecting you in a channel.

Syntax: BANSEARCH <#channel>

Services Operators with user:auspex privilege can also search bans, quiets, and channel modes affecting a given user in a given channel. Syntax: BANSEARCH <#channel> <target>

Examples: /msg ChanServ BANSEARCH #atheme



This command can only be used by users with the +R and +f flags.

CLEAR AKICKS will remove all AKICK entries, including all access list entries whose only flags are +b, from a channel's access list.

Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> AKICKS

Example: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #atheme AKICKS


Clear bans will remove all bans found in a specific channel. If your ircd supports other lists associated with a channel (e.g. ban exceptions), you can clear these by specifying the mode letters. Specify an asterisk to clear all lists.

Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> BANS [types]


  • Clear the #support ban list: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS
  • Removes all ban and invite exceptions on #support (if your ircd supports them): /msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS eI
  • Clear all lists in #support: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS *
  • Shows the possible letters: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS +


This command can only be used by channel founders (flag +F).

CLEAR FLAGS will remove all flags from all users (or groups) with channel access on the channel specified except for users who are channel founders.

Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> FLAGS

Example: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #atheme FLAGS


Clear users will kick all users out of the channel, except you. The channel will be cycled (recreated) if you are not on it.

If a reason is specified, it will be included in the kick message.

Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> USERS [reason]

Example: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #ChatZone USERS


This command can only be used by channel founders (flag +F).

CLONE copies a channel's chanacs and metadata to a new channel. Both channels must be registered with ChanServ and you must be founder in the target channel for this command to work.

It will not copy the topic as most people will want that different between the 2 channels.

It will also remove all chanacs (except founders) and metadata of the same type from the target channel.

Syntax: CLONE <#source-channel> <#target-channel>

Examples: /msg ChanServ CLONE #funstuff #morefun


CLOSE prevents a channel from being used. Anyone who enters is immediately kickbanned. The channel cannot be dropped and foundership cannot be transferred.

Enabling CLOSE will immediately kick all users from the channel.

Use CLOSE OFF to reopen a channel. While closed, channels will still expire.

Syntax: CLOSE <#channel> ON|OFF [reason]


/msg ChanServ CLOSE #lamers ON spamming/msg ChanServ CLOSE #spiderslair OFF


This will give a count of how many entries are in each of the channel's xOP lists and how many entries on the access list do not match a xOP value.

The second line shows how many access entries have each flag.

Syntax: COUNT <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ COUNT #oscn


This command can only be used by channel founders (flag +F).

DROP allows you to "unregister" a registered channel.

Once you DROP a channel all of the data associated with it (access lists, etc) are removed and cannot be restored.

See help on SET FOUNDER and FLAGS for transferring a channel to another user.

Syntax: DROP <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ DROP #foo




This command can only be used by channel founders (flag +F).

FORCEXOP resets all channel access levels to xOP compatible values. That is, after the operation, the founder(s) will have all permissions and autoop and everyone else on with flags will be on one of the xOP lists. This command is useful if the definitions for which flags each xOP level gives change and the founder wishes to use xOP commands only.

Syntax: FORCEXOP <#channel>

See also: SOP, AOP, HOP, VOP


GETKEY returns the key (+k, password to be allowed in) of the specified channel: /join #channel key

Syntax: GETKEY <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ GETKEY #foo


INFO displays channel information such as registration time, flags, and other details.

Syntax: INFO <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ INFO #foo


INVITE requests services to invite you to the specified channel. This is useful if you use the +i channel mode.

Syntax: INVITE <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ INVITE #foo


The KICK command allows for the removal of a user from a channel. The user can immediately rejoin.

Your nick will be added to the kick reason.

Syntax: KICK <#channel> <nick> [reason]


/msg ChanServ KICK #foo abuser/msg ChanServ KICK #foo abuser please stop


The KICKBAN command allows for the removal of a user from a channel while placing a ban on the user.

Any matching ban exceptions will be removed.

Syntax: KICKBAN <#channel> <nick> [reason]


/msg ChanServ KICKBAN #foo abuser/msg ChanServ KICKBAN #foo abuser go away


The QUIET command allows you to mute a user or hostmask in a channel. Affected users will be notified that you did it.

Syntax: QUIET <#channel> <nickname|hostmask>


/msg ChanServ QUIET #chat AfterDeath/msg ChanServ QUIET #chat *!*@*


RECOVER allows you to regain control of your channel in the event of a takeover.

Note: RECOVER may make the channel unusable by general public! If there is no takeover emergency, instead, read OP

More precisely, in the case of RECOVER, everyone will be deopped, limit and key will be cleared, all bans matching you are removed, a ban exception matching you is added (in case of bans Atheme can't see), the channel is set invite-only and moderated and you are invited.

If you are on channel, you will be opped and no ban exception will be added.

Syntax: RECOVER <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ RECOVER #foo


REGISTER allows you to register a channel so that you have better control. Registration allows you to maintain a channel access list and other functions that are normally provided by IRC bots.

Syntax: REGISTER <#channel>

Example:/msg ChanServ REGISTER #atheme


Roles do things


ROLE ADD will create a channel role with the given flags. Multiple flags should be separated by a space.

Syntax: ROLE <#channel> ADD <role> [flags]


  • +voice - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
  • +autovoice - Enables automatic voice.
  • +halfop - Enables use of the halfop/dehalfop commands.
  • +autohalfop - Enables automatic halfop.
  • +op - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
  • +autoop - Enables automatic op.
  • +protect - Enables use of the protect/deprotect commands.
  • +owner - Enables use of the owner/deowner commands.
  • +set - Enables use of the set command.
  • +invite - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
  • +remove - Enables use of the kick, kickban, ban and unban commands.
  • +recover - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.
  • +acl-change - Enables modification of channel access lists.
  • +topic - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
  • +acl-view - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
  • +successor - Marks the user as a successor.
  • +founder - Grants full founder access.
  • +banned - Enables automatic kickban.


/msg ChanServ ROLE #atheme ADD helpers topic autovoice


ROLE DEL will delete a channel-specific role.

Syntax: ROLE <#channel> DEL <role>

Example: /msg ChanServ ROLE #atheme DEL helpers


ROLE LIST lists all channel-specific and network-wide roles and the flags that each role has.

Syntax: ROLE <#channel> LIST

Example:/msg ChanServ ROLE #baz LIST


ROLE SET allows you to modify the flags of a role that already exists. All users in the given role will receive the effects of the changes. Multiple flags should be separated by a space and have the modifier (+ or -) before each flag.

Syntax: ROLE <#channel> SET <role> <flags>


/msg ChanServ ROLE #atheme SET channel-ops +acl-change +set +recover/msg ChanServ ROLE #atheme SET helpers +invite/msg ChanServ ROLE #foo SET helpers -topic -invite



SET ANTIFLOOD configures ChanServ flood control settings. The action parameter can be QUIET, KICKBAN or AKILL.

Flood control can be turned off using the OFF setting, and turned on using default settings with the ON setting.

Syntax: SET <#channel> ANTIFLOOD <action>

Syntax: SET <#channel> ANTIFLOOD OFF


/msg ChanServ SET #channel ANTIFLOOD QUIET/msg ChanServ SET #silence ANTIFLOOD KICKBAN/msg ChanServ SET #trolls ANTIFLOOD AKILL/msg ChanServ SET #coders ANTIFLOOD OFF/msg ChanServ SET #defocus ANTIFLOOD ON


SET EMAIL allows you to change or set the email address associated with a channel. This is shown to all users in INFO.

Syntax: SET <#channel> EMAIL [email]

Using the command in this way results in an email address being associated with the channel.

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #chat EMAIL some@email.address


SET ENTRYMSG allows you to change or set a message sent to all users joining the channel.

Syntax: SET <#channel> ENTRYMSG [message]

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #support ENTRYMSG Welcome to #support. Please do not paste more than 5 lines.


SET FANTASY allows you to enable or disable ChanServ fantasy commands (!op, !deop, etc.) on your channel.

GUARD must be enabled as well for fantasy commands to work.

Syntax: SET <#channel> FANTASY ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #chatspike FANTASY ON


SET FOUNDER allows you to set a new founder of the channel. The new founder has to execute the same command to confirm the transfer.

Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <newnick>

If the new founder has not yet confirmed the transfer, you can cancel it by specifying your own nick as the new founder.

Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <yournick>

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo FOUNDER bar


SET GAMESERV allows gaming services to be used, sending to the channel, via /msg GameServ <command> <channel> <parameters>.

You can decide who may use GameServ:

  • ALL - allow all channel members
  • VOICE - allow ops/voiced
  • OP - allow ops
  • OFF - allow no-one

For OP and VOICE, both channel status and ChanServ flags apply.


Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo GAMESERV VOICE


SET GUARD allows you to have ChanServ join your channel.

Syntax: SET <#channel> GUARD ON|OFF

Example: msg ChanServ SET #atheme GUARD ON


SET KEEPTOPIC enables restoration of the old topic after the channel has become empty. In some cases, it may revert topic changes after netsplits or services outages, so it is not recommended to turn this on if your channel tends to never empty.

Syntax: SET <#channel> KEEPTOPIC ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo KEEPTOPIC ON


SET LIMITFLAGS limits the power of the +f flag.

Users with +f that have neither +s nor +R may only set +b (akick), and users that do not have all of +s and +R may not set +s, +R and +f.

Syntax: SET <#channel> LIMITFLAGS ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo LIMITFLAGS ON


MLOCK (or "mode lock") allows you to enforce a set of modes on a channel. This can prevent abuse in cases such as +kl. It can also make it harder to fight evil bots, be careful. Locked modes can be seen by anyone recreating the channel (this includes keys).

Syntax: SET <#channel> MLOCK [modes]

Examples: (some may use modes your ircd does not support)

/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +nt-lk/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +inst-kl/msg ChanServ SET #c MLOCK +ntk c/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +ntcjf-kl 2:30 #overflow/msg ChanServ SET #overflow MLOCK +mntF-kljf/msg ChanServ SET #foo1 MLOCK +ntlL 40 #foo2


SET NOSYNC allows channel staff to disable automatic syncing of channel status when it is changed.

Syntax: SET <#channel> NOSYNC ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo NOSYNC ON


PREFIX allows you to customize the channel fantasy trigger for your channel. This is particularly useful if you have channel bots that conflict with ChanServ's default fantasy prefix. Providing no prefix argument (or DEFAULT) resets the channel fantasy prefix to the network default prefix.

Syntax: SET <#channel> PREFIX [prefix]


/msg ChanServ SET #foo PREFIX/msg ChanServ SET #foo PREFIX '/msg ChanServ SET #c PREFIX %/msg ChanServ SET #c PREFIX default


SET PRIVATE hides various information about the channel from other users.

Syntax: SET <#channel> PRIVATE ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo PRIVATE ON


SET PROPERTY manipulates metadata associated with a channel.

To delete a metadata entry, specify the name and leave the value blank.

Syntax: SET <#channel> PROPERTY <name> [value]




SET PUBACL allows the channel access list to be publicly visible.

Syntax: SET <#channel> PUBACL ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo PUBACL ON


SET RESTRICTED designates a channel as restricted access. Users who are not on the access list of the channel, or who do not have the chan:joinstaffonly privilege will be kicked and banned from the channel upon join, removing any ban exceptions matching them first. If the channel is set +i, no ban will be set and invite exceptions will be removed.

Syntax: SET <#channel> RESTRICTED ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #snoop RESTRICTED ON


SET SECURE prevents anyone that's not on the channel's access lists from gaining operator or halfop status on the channel. This is useful if you're paranoid.

Syntax: SET <#channel> SECURE ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo SECURE ON


SET TOPICLOCK causes ChanServ to revert topic changes by users without the +t flag. Topic changes during netsplits or services outages will always be reverted.

TOPICLOCK requires KEEPTOPIC and will automatically enable it; disabling KEEPTOPIC will disable TOPICLOCK also.

Syntax: SET <#channel> TOPICLOCK ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo TOPICLOCK ON


SET URL allows you to change or set the URL associated with a channel. This is shown to all users joining the channel.

Syntax: SET <#channel> URL [url]

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #chat URL


SET VERBOSE ON sends a notice to the channel when someone makes changes to the access lists.

SET VERBOSE OPS sends a notice to the channel operators when someone makes changes to the access lists.

Fantasy commands are always executed as if SET VERBOSE ON is in effect.

Syntax: SET <#channel> VERBOSE ON|OPS|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ SET #foo VERBOSE ON


STATUS returns information about your current state. It will show information about your nickname, IRC operator, and SRA status.

If the channel parameter is specified, your access to the given channel is returned.

Syntax: STATUS [#channel]


/msg ChanServ STATUS/msg ChanServ STATUS #foo


The SYNC command will force all channel statuses to flags, giving and taking away ops, voice and so on where necessary. You must have the channel flag +R to run this command.

Syntax: SYNC <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ SYNC #bar


The taxonomy command lists metadata information associated with registered channels.

Example: /msg ChanServ TAXONOMY #atheme


The TEMPLATE command allows definition of sets of flags, simplifying the use of the FLAGS command.

Without arguments, network wide templates are shown. These include at least SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP.


When given only the channel argument, a listing of templates for the channel will be displayed.

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel>

Otherwise, a template is modified. A modification may be specified by a template name (copies the template) or a flags change (starts with + or -, optionally preceded by an !). Templates cannot be the empty set (making a template empty deletes it).

If the ! form is used, all access entries which exactly match the template are changed accordingly. This is not supported if the template includes or included founder access (+F).

There is a limit on the length of all templates on a channel.

If you are not a founder, similar restrictions apply as in FLAGS.

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template oldtemplate]

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template flag_changes]

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template !flag_changes]


/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user VOP/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user !+A/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo co-founder +*-OH/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo op -*+vVhoti/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo obsoletetemplate -*


The TOPIC command allows for the changing of a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPIC <#channel> <topic>

Example: /msg ChanServ TOPIC #foo bar


The TOPICAPPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPICAPPEND <#channel> <topic>

Example: /msg ChanServ TOPICAPPEND #foo bar


The TOPICPREPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPICPREPEND <#channel> <topic>

Example: /msg ChanServ TOPICPREPEND #foo bar


Allows easily swapping out parts of a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPICSWAP <#channel> <search>:[<replace>]

Example: /msg ChanServ TOPICSWAP #foo orange:apple


The UNBAN command is provided by two modules, unban or unban_self.


The UNBAN command allows you to unban a user or hostmask from a channel. If no nickname or hostmask is specified, you are unbanned.

Syntax: UNBAN <#channel> [nickname|hostmask]


/msg ChanServ UNBAN #chat pfish/msg ChanServ UNBAN #chat *!*@*


The UNBAN command allows you to remove all bans matching you from a channel.

Syntax: UNBAN <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ UNBAN #chat


The UNQUIET command allows you to unmute a user or hostmask in a channel. If no nickname or hostmask is specified, you are unquieted.

Affected users will be notified that you did it.

Syntax: UNQUIET <#channel> [nickname|hostmask]


/msg ChanServ UNQUIET #chat Diablo-D3/msg ChanServ UNQUIET #chat *!*@*


The WHY command shows the access entries an online user matches.

Syntax: WHY <#channel> [nickname]

Example: /msg ChanServ WHY #atheme jilles^


The xOP commands allow you to maintain channel access lists. Channel access lists can contain registered accounts or hostmasks (nick!user@host).

The exact meanings of the access levels may differ per network, use /msg ChanServ TEMPLATE to check. As a hint, VOP stands for VOice People, HOP stands for HalfOP, AOP stands for AutoOP, SOP stands for SuperOP.

Not all channel access entries can be edited with these commands, see the FLAGS and FORCEXOP help entries for details. Note that use of FORCEXOP can destroy a lot of information. The TEMPLATE system can provide most of the ease of use of these commands without the restrictions.

The privileges required to execute these commands are the same as those required for the corresponding FLAGS commands.

Syntax: VOP|HOP|AOP|SOP <#channel> ADD|DEL|LIST <nickname|hostmask>


/msg ChanServ VOP #foo ADD bar/msg ChanServ VOP #foo ADD foo!* ChanServ AOP #foo DEL bar/msg ChanServ SOP #foo LIST

Services Operator Commands#


FDROP allows dropping any registered channel, provided it is not set held (see help on HOLD).

Once you FDROP a channel all of the data associated with it (access lists, etc) are removed and cannot be restored.

Syntax: FDROP <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ FDROP #foo


The FFLAGS command allows an oper to force a flags change on a channel. The syntax is the same as FLAGS, except that the target and flags changes must be given. Viewing any channel's access list is done with FLAGS.

Syntax: FFLAGS <#channel> <nickname|hostmask> <template> Syntax: FFLAGS <#channel> <nickname|hostmask> <flag_changes>

Example: /msg ChanServ FFLAGS #foo foo AOP


FTRANSFER forcefully transfers foundership of a channel.

Syntax: FTRANSFER <#channel> <founder>

Example: /msg ChanServ FTRANSFER #casual vodkaswirl


HOLD prevents a channel from expiring for inactivity. Held channels will still expire when there are no eligible successors.

Syntax: HOLD <#channel> ON|OFF

Example: /msg ChanServ HOLD #atheme ON


LIST shows channels that match a given criteria. Multiple criteria may be used in the same command.

Current Criteria are:

  • PATTERN - All channels that match a given pattern.
  • MARK-REASON - All channels whose mark reason matches a given pattern.
  • CLOSE-REASON - All channels which are closed whose close reason matches a given pattern.
  • HOLD - All channels with the HOLD flag set.
  • NOOP - All channels with the NOOP flag set.
  • LIMITFLAGS - All channels with the LIMITFLAGS flag set.
  • SECURE - All channels with the SECURE flag set.
  • VERBOSE - All channels with the VERBOSE flag set.
  • RESTRICTED - All channels with the RESTRICTED flag set.
  • KEEPTOPIC - All channels with the KEEPTOPIC flag set.
  • VERBOSE-OPS - All channels set to only be verbose to ops.
  • TOPICLOCK - All channels with the TOPICLOCK flag set.
  • GUARD - All channels with the GUARD flag set.
  • PRIVATE - All channels with the PRIVATE flag set.
  • PUBACL - All channels with the PUBACL flag set.
  • CLOSED - All channels closed by network staff.
  • MARKED - All channels marked by network staff.
  • ACLSIZE - Channels with an access list larger than a given size.
  • REGISTERED - Channels registered longer ago than a given age.
  • LASTUSED - Channels last used longer ago than a given age.

Syntax: LIST <criteria>


/msg ChanServ LIST pattern #*foo*/msg ChanServ LIST hold/msg ChanServ LIST closed pattern #x*/msg ChanServ LIST aclsize 10/msg ChanServ LIST registered 30d/msg ChanServ LIST aclsize 20 registered 7d pattern #bar*/msg ChanServ LIST mark-reason lamers?here


MARK allows operators to attach a note to a channel. For example, an operator could mark the channel of a spammer so that others know it has previously been warned.

MARK information will be displayed in INFO output.

Syntax: MARK <#channel> ON|OFF <reason>

Example: /msg ChanServ MARK #lobby ON Takeover: returned to bill


REJECT allows you to deny a channel's registration request. (For networks that moderate Channel Registration requests)

Syntax: REJECT <#channel>

Example: /msg ChanServ REJECT #BotHouse



WAITING will show Services Operators the channel registration request list. (For networks that moderate Channel Registration requests)


Example: /msg ChanServ WAITING


FLAGS Matrix#

v - Voicevoice, devoice
V - Autovoice
o - Opop, deop
O - Autoop
h - HalfOphalfop, dehalfopOnly available on networks which support halfops.
H - Autohalfop
q - OwnerownerOnly available on networks which support the owner channel mode.
a - ProtectedTBDOnly available on networks which support the protected user channel mode.
s - SetTBD
i - Inviteinvite
r - Removeakick
R - Recover
f - Flags
t - Topic
A - ACL View
S - Successor
F - Founder
e - Exempt