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Service Usage#


  • DROP -- Drops a group registration.
  • FLAGS -- Sets flags on a user in a group.
  • INFO -- Displays information about registered groups.
  • JOIN -- Joins an open group.
  • LISTCHANS -- Lists channels that a group has access to.
  • REGISTER -- Registers a group.
  • SET -- Sets various control flags.
    • CHANNEL -- Sets the official group channel.
    • DESCRIPTION -- Sets the group description.
    • EMAIL -- Sets the group e-mail address.
    • JOINFLAGS -- Sets the flags users will be given when they JOIN the group.
    • OPEN -- Sets the group as open for anyone to join.
    • PUBLIC -- Sets the group as public.
    • URL -- Sets the group URL.


DROP allows you to "unregister" a registered group.

Once you DROP a group all of the data associated with it (access lists, metadata, etc) are removed and cannot be restored.

See help on FLAGS for transferring a group to another user.

Syntax: DROP <!group>

Example: /msg GroupServ DROP !baz


The FLAGS command allows for the granting/removal of group privileges on a more specific, non-generalized level. It supports registered nicknames as targets.

When only the group argument is given, a listing of permissions granted to users will be displayed.

Syntax: FLAGS <!group>

You can modify a users' flags if you yourself have the +f flag. This has much the same syntax as chanserv/flags, using + to add flags to a user and - to remove flags from a user.

Syntax: FLAGS <!group> [nickname flag_changes]


  • +f - Enables modification of group access list.
  • +F - Grants full founder access.
  • +A - Enables viewing of group access list.
  • +m - Read memos sent to the group.
  • +c - Have channel access in channels where the group has sufficient privileges.
  • +v - Take vhosts offered to the group through HostServ.
  • +s - Ability to use GroupServ SET commands on the group.
  • +b - Ban a user from the group. The user will not be able to join the group with the JOIN command and it will not show up in their NickServ INFO or anywhere else. NOTE that setting this flag will NOT automatically remove the users' privileges (if applicable).
  • +i - Grants the ability to invite users to the group.

The special permission + adds all permissions except +F. The special permission - removes all permissions including +F.


/msg GroupServ FLAGS !baz/msg GroupServ FLAGS !baz foo +F/msg GroupServ FLAGS !baz foo -*/msg GroupServ FLAGS !baz foo +fmc


INFO displays group information such as registration time, group URL, email address and founder.

Syntax: INFO <!group>

Example: /msg GroupServ INFO !baz


INVITE allows you to invite a user to join a "private"/non-open group or a group that is currently full.

Syntax: INVITE <!group> <user>

Example: /msg GroupServ INVITE !foo jdhore


JOIN allows you to join a group set as open for anyone to join. No privileges will be set on you when you join a group this way, you will only be listed as a group member.

Syntax: JOIN <!group>

Example: /msg GroupServ JOIN !baz


LISTCHANS shows the channels that a group has access to.

AKICKs are not shown.

Syntax: LISTCHANS <group>

Example: /msg GroupServ LISTCHANS !foo


REGISTER allows you to register a group so that you can easily manage a number of users and channels.

Syntax: REGISTER <!group>

Example: /msg GroupServ REGISTER !developers



SET CHANNEL allows you to change or set the official IRC channel of a group. This is shown when a user requests info about the group.

Syntax: SET <!group> CHANNEL [#channel]

Example: /msg GroupServ SET !atheme CHANNEL #atheme


SET DESCRIPTION allows you to change or set the description of a group. This is shown when a user requests info about the group.

Syntax: SET <!group> DESCRIPTION [description]

Example: /msg GroupServ SET !atheme DESCRIPTION Official Atheme Group


SET EMAIL allows you to change or set the email address associated with a group. This is shown to all users in INFO.

Syntax: SET <!group> EMAIL [email]

Using the command in this way results in an email address being associated with the group.

Example: /msg GroupServ SET !bar EMAIL some@email.address


SET GROUPNAME allows you to change or set the name of your group. This is shown when a user requests info about the group.

Syntax: SET <!OldGroupName> GROUPNAME <!NewGroupName>

Example: /msg GroupServ SET !OldGroup GROUPNAME !NewGroup


SET JOINFLAGS allows a group to specify the flags assigned to a user when they JOIN the group (if the group is open).

Note that this must be valid, else "+" will be set on joining users. If no parameter is provided or the parameter is OFF, the join flags will be returned to network default.

See "/msg GroupServ HELP FLAGS" for details of the different flags that are valid here.

Syntax: SET <!group> JOINFLAGS [OFF|flags]


/msg GroupServ SET !awesome-people JOINFLAGS OFF/msg GroupServ SET !foo JOINFLAGS +/msg GroupServ SET !foo JOINFLAGS +v/msg GroupServ SET !foo JOINFLAGS +cfv


SET OPEN allows a group to be open to any user joining whenever they like. Users that JOIN the group will have no privileges by default.

Syntax: SET <!group> OPEN <ON|OFF>

Example: /msg GroupServ SET !awesome-people OPEN ON


SET PUBLIC shows group membership when users request NickServ INFO of members of the group.

Syntax: SET <!group> PUBLIC <ON|OFF>

Example: /msg GroupServ SET !awesome-people PUBLIC ON


SET URL allows you to change or set the URL associated with a group. This is shown to all users in INFO.

Syntax: SET <!group> URL [url]

Example: /msg GroupServ SET !slashdot URL

Services Operator Commands#


ACSNOLIMIT allows a group to have a unlimited number of group access list entries.

Syntax: ACSNOLIMIT <!group> ON|OFF

Example: /msg GroupServ ACSNOLIMIT !awesome-people ON


FDROP allows you to "unregister" a registered group.

Once you FDROP a group all of the data associated with it (access lists, metadata, etc) are removed and cannot be restored.

Syntax: FDROP <!group>

Example: /msg GroupServ FDROP !baz


The FFLAGS command allows an oper to force a flags change on a group. The syntax is the same as FLAGS, except that the target and flags changes must be given. Viewing any group's access list is done with FLAGS.

Syntax: FFLAGS <!group> <nickname> <flag_changes>


/msg GroupServ FFLAGS !baz foo +F/msg GroupServ FFLAGS !baz foo -*/msg GroupServ FFLAGS !baz foo +fmc


LIST shows all groups matching a specified pattern.

Syntax: LIST <group pattern>


/msg GroupServ LIST */msg GroupServ LIST !pants*


REGNOLIMIT allows a group to collectively maintain an unlimited amount of channel registrations.

Syntax: REGNOLIMIT <!group> ON|OFF

Example: /msg GroupServ REGNOLIMIT !awesome-people ON